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Updating your password

  1. Click on Edit Profile from the dropdown menu under your name in the top right.

    My Tax Digital updating your password

  2. Type your existing password, then your new password and again to confirm.

  3. Click ‘Save’

Updating your name

  1. Click on Edit Profile from the dropdown menu under your current name in the top right.

  2. Update your name and click ‘Save’

Switching the Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Method

  1. By default, My Tax Digital uses email-based 2FA, but you can also use an authentication app on your mobile phone if you prefer. We recommend Google Authenticator. To switch to using mobile authentication, click on the ‘Switch to Mobile Authentication’ button.

    My Tax Digital mobile authentication

  2. Following the setup instructions, download the app, scan the QR code and enter the generated 6 digit code.

    My Tax Digital mobile authentication

  3. Test that mobile authentication is working by signing out and back in again. When you sign-in you’ll be prompted to enter the 6 digit code from your mobile authenticator app.

    My Tax Digital mobile authentication

  4. If for whatever reason you’re unable to use your mobile app, click on the ‘Can’t use mobile app?’ link and then click ‘Send one-time code’. This will send a code to your registered email address which you then need to enter into the Email Passcode field and then click the ‘Verify’ button.

    My Tax Digital mobile authentication

Deleting your account

  1. Click on Edit Profile from the dropdown menu under your name in the top right.

  2. Click ‘Delete Account’ and a warning dialogue will appear.

  3. Deleting this account will remove it and all associated data. Please ensure you have exported any data you want to keep since this cannot be recovered once deleted.

  4. If you’re sure you want to continue, type in your email address and click ‘OK’

Updating a business

  1. Click on Edit Business from the dropdown menu under your business name in the top right.

    My Tax Digital updating a business

  2. If the currently active business isn’t the one you want to update then choose from the list of other businesses in the dropdown.

  3. Enter or update information relating to your business. If your business is VAT registered then at minimum HMRC MTD for VAT requires you to keep the following designatory data digitally: your business name, the address of your principal place of business, your VAT registration number and any VAT accounting schemes that you use.

    My Tax Digital updating a business My Tax Digital updating a business

  4. Click ‘Save’

Creating a business

  1. Click on Create Business from the dropdown menu under your existing business name in the top right.

  2. Enter the business name and select whether it is VAT registered.

  3. Click ‘Create’

Deleting a business

  1. Click on Edit Business from the dropdown menu under your business name in the top right.

  2. If the currently active business isn’t the one you want to update then choose from the list of other businesses in the dropdown.

  3. Click ‘Delete’ and a warning dialogue will appear.

  4. Deleting this business will remove it for all associated users and it cannot be recovered. Type ‘DELETE’ (case sensitive) to continue.

Sharing access to a business

  1. If you’ve setup multiple businesses, switch to the business you’d like to share access to and then click on the Share Access option under the business menu.

  2. Click the ‘Add’ button and enter the email address of the person you’d like to share access with, choose a role then click ‘Save’. Users must already have a My Tax Digital account before access can be shared with them.

    My Tax Digital Sharing access to a business

  3. They will receive an email notifying them that access has been granted and when they login they’ll be able to view your business.